MRI equipment generates strong RF interference, which can disturb other electronic equipment in the hospital or affect television and radio reception in the neighborhood. Conversely, external RF signals may be picked up by the MRI system’s RF coils and adversely influence the accuracy of the imaging data. MRI scan rooms therefore have to be efficiently shielded to prevent radiation
leaving or entering.
MRI doors and MRI windows are designed to work with RF enclosure to prevent
radiation leaving or entering.
Technical specifications
Product : MRI Shielding Window
Usage: MRI scan rooms, RF shielded labs and test rooms
Structure: non-magnetic window frames with double layer copper screens and tempered glass
Standard Dimension : 1500mm x 1000mm
Optional :
MRI Swing Door
MRI Sliding Door
Automatic Sliding MRI Door
MRI RF shielding honeycomb
MRI room electrical filter